New Jersey Empanada Trailer/Truck

Empanada Guy is one of the fastest growing food trucks in New Jersey. What started out as a wholesale business has now grown to a fleet of state-of-the-art Gourmet food trucks.
Three trucks, some with permanent locations.
Our empanadas are unique with a mixture of Caribbean and Mexican spices and a Southern heat. That is why we've been told they are addictive.
Empanadas are thought to have originated in Galicia, Spain, however, you will find that they are made by different cultures and go by various names. These are a few of the known names:
Meat Pies (American)
Empanadas (Latin Spanish)
Pastelillos (Latin/Spanish)
Pastelitos (Latin/Spanish)
Empanadillas (Latin/Spanish)
Beef Patties (Jamaica)
Samosa (India),
Empadinhas (Brazilian)
Located In: 07063